Wednesday 2 May 2012

Video installation - Made by other artists!!!!

Video installation is a contemporary art form that combines video technology with installation art, making use of all aspects of the surrounding environment to affect the audience and here is some examples:

Sam Taylor Wood - Still Life

When I saw this I'm thinking - Why?

At first I thought when I saw this t was a bit weird at first as it was a bowl of fruit. Then you saw the fruit decaying so turning grey and soon it starts to decayed  and eventually everything you see falls apart in a very rotten way. It definitely didn't look editable when it turned brown but then it went grey and fluffy and very gross.

They why Sam made this idea into a video is very good, like pressing the fast-forward button only to the human eye it doesn't look like it until you see it with your own eyes. It showed that food can go off and rot away maybe that's what his message was trying to say and that not even time would allow any food to eventually decay.

Sam Taylor Wood - A Little Death

After seeing this I'm saying in my head - Oh Hell No!!

In this you see a dead rabbit positioned in an awkward place with his feet up on the wall that was weird. Then you start seeing his skin moving like something was going to come out of it but it didn’t and then the rabbits skin was falling apart it looked like seeds when actually they seem to be maggots and they are crawling all over the place in the rabbit.

The wetness about the rabbit could be it's blood and after time passes it doesn't dry out properly and it's amazing that even when the maggots are gone and the rabbit is still in the same position when the video started.

The weirdest thing of all is that while the rabbit's insides decay and feasted upon, the peach does not rot and decay as well and the maggot avoid it as if the peach isn't worth the bother.

Like I said, this video isn't artful at all and I don't know why the artist thought "Hey you know what would be a good video installation? A decaying rabbit" and still think it was a good idea to carry it out. Not at all.

Sam Taylor Wood - Hysteria

Mostly when I saw this video a waste of time.

In this you see a women laughing her head off at one stage then the next you saw her like she was upset crying over something. She uses her hands to touch her forehead you can see the emotion that it gives off to anyone who watches this.

It presents anything we may find upsetting or funny and everyday all our emotions changes all the time, for better or for worse.It might have been good if there was some form of music so we could get further of the emotion that the woman is trying to present. To let us know what she's feeling at that moment in time.

David Lynch - Alphabet

Immediately the video gives off the reason for this title and it weird how it starts with someone in a bed and then the title sequence with a spooky half face. The man is singing as drawing are drawn and for a moment it's like what a child would see - until it all changes. The weird mouth making a weird noise was the first step in telling this isn't suited for children and then squeaking sounds like someone is being strangled and the organs in the body are turned inside out over and over. Then it turns crazy when you have the girl throwing up blood all over the place and acted as if she is possessed - something like a Horror like  The Exorcist  or something.

Everything about this is like watching a horror movie but it ends in minutes and it leaves you thinking that the artiest was trying to create something in a mad person mind.

Simon Ellis - Telling Lies

The best one yet and the cleverest and I found it funny despite being rude at times. It's my favourite of the lot. There is nothing visual about this video except the writing and everything you hear is someone being on the phone and someone speaking into the phone. You have Phil, his Mum, the ex-girlfriend Sarah, his mate Darren and the older woman Victoria.

As the video starts there weird noise in the background and you have to try to figure out "What the hell is that?" until when the man answers the phone you realises what he is doing. The man who speaks is in orange writing and every so often some words are in white. Meaning whatever they are are lies and the writing on the screen is actually the truth and showing true intentions with white lies. Something we all do in real life, we lie to hide what we actually feel or what in this case hide what ever the character were doing the night before from splitting up from relationships and having one-night stands .

I think this idea is genius and it's funny especially at the end of credits, the phone rings are it's his mum having a go at all before the phone is slammed yet again.

Kseniya Simonova - Sand Art

The most artful I've ever seen.

It's really brilliant how the woman can create such art so quickly. I showed this to my Mum and she found it good as well and she added "They wouldn't give her this long a time slot in our show" and she's right as this was shown in Ukraine's got Talent and she won it in 2009.

She first draws a scene in a park with a couple on the bench, all the details are so well thought out and it's like she plans one step ahead so that everything she draws are all connected to the thing she draws. The music is effective as well as suddenly you hear sound effects of someone speaking and she draws planes in the sky and all of a sudden, everything chances as war comes into the sand drawing. There's a main character to these drawings as there is always a woman involved, the same one with wavy hair that you see over and over like she is involved and survives the war, you first see her crying with other people around with a baby drawn in the top right corner over looking everything, blissfully unaware of what is happening. When Kseniya throws sand onto the picture, there are bomb sounds effects which further shows that the story plot to the drawings she makes involve the war. The date at the end shows it - 1945

The audience in between the shots are tearful and you see a lot of emotion on their faces which shows that they understand the pain and emotion that Kseniya is trying to show in the story and I can see how she won the show in that year. It is very good to watch.

Kye Wilson - The Kiss

You first get a panning shot of someone wrapped in a cloth and you don't see who and what they look like and there are a mixture of whispers that are both annoying and creepy. The person seemed to be lying asleep.

The screen goes black and silent and then you get the words "virus" and you then see that the creators of this are trying to make, they everything you are seeing is like a dream or nightmare in someones mind and that it goes through a lot of themes we go through life. In each one of these sequences there is - Virus, Trace, Kiss and Scream.

All of this looks ghostly and it makes the the people in this such enigmas that it's also haunting.

The most interesting thing was that one of my tutors Neil is involved in this and he helped created this installation.

Sonia Falcone - Santa Cruz Bolivia

It's dark and black until suddenly a lot of colours come in together and the it forms itself like they were pieces of jigsaw puzzle. You see outlines going upwards like towers you see in New York and then they are all filled up with all kinds of colours. Somehow with these colours in mind there seem to be images in them and then a rush of colours surrounds them and with all the screens all cut up and divided, it all so alluring about how it is done.

I like the amount of colours that were used in this The music throughout this reminds of the Millennium Dome when they all of things that remain me of this video (and no -not just the body parts).

6 Minutes of Stuff Getting Destroyed

The fact the everything you see in this gets smashed, bashed, shot, hammered, cracked, snapped, cut, knocked about, dropped, punched, karate chopped, skateboard, explored pretty much sums it all.

I like how everything is in slow motion and the sounds are delayed with it and it makes it interesting. It's amazing how the bullets shot when one went through the cards and how another one slides across and nearly sliding it in half. Another bullet shot one that was good was when it shot through three glass, the first one though shot through doesn't break down while the other two after the first one does.

The there's this karate guy smashing these bricks in one which is amazing as it is so quick the action you see like the dust coming of the bricks as he smashes it. It's also strange to how the hand looks like it's being disfigured as it came crashing down. The lighting of the lighter in slow motion was good and it's cool how it slowly ignites into flame. The same went for the light bulb where it breaks of into little sparks then breaks completely, leaving a small line of electric before it wen completely. It's very interesting how it looks normal and then suddenly look dangerous in a blink of an eye by using the sparks that added along with it.

I like it but I didn't like credits as it just ruined to whole "wow" factor to the whole thing. They could have changed it to something else than a couple guys open mouthed while they were splattered with paint over and over.

Ukrainian Independence Building Wide Projector Show

I really like this was really cool and such a good idea especially for a special occasion (celebrating the 19th anniversary of Ukrainian independence).

The building lights up and the projection begins with a draw of the blue curtains to start the show. A lot of this remains me of Tron/Tron Legacy with all the blocks moving and how it shows a lot of creative colours chasing each other non-stop. The it looked like Harry Potter when parts of the building are going inwards like there are a thousands unknown buttons on a remote control. Then when balls come up from the top of the building and down along the pillars reminds me of Pinball game. A good bit of animation was when butterflies are flying up, they are also forming trees along with fishes and rocks coming through the building

Yeah everything that was animated remained me of a certain something and it's a really good as well and there is a lot of "wow" factor in this.


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