Monday 16 April 2012

Thriller Editing Evaluation

In this project I worked with Sophie and Sedtin on a thriller project we named Sweet Dreams. We were also working with Ben but - let's just say we never really seen him much AND when he was he didn't do  much.


When we started we all discussed ideas for the project as well as title names, we all came up with different story ideas, from a manipulative doll, life or death situation involving an item, silent death but in the ended we went for a man who got into an accident and when he wakes up, he finds himself uninjured and to him it's the real world when reality - it isn't. This was Sedtin idea overall and a really good one.

We picked Sweet Dreams because it suits the story idea very well plus there is a song called "Sweet Dreams" that was originally done by Eurhythmics but also remade by Marlyin Manson and Emily Browning (for the film Sucker Punch which is also a thriller)

I agreed to be the main female- the creepy one names Margaret Robinson however when it came to the two male casting it became tricky because Sophie had two of her friends agreeing to help out but then as soon as half term ended - they both back out and that was REALLY annoying!

After going to a theatre group, hearing absolutely nothing - we got lucky when Damion and Liam agreed to help us so I was very, very, very happy as time was getting to us a little bit and all we wanted to do was to film everything on time and have plenty of time to edit it out to the best we know we can.

Before we got our male actors, we first explored Fareham, Ticthfield and Gosport on google maps and our memories of our home town for the best places for our projects. In the end we went for all three for a lot of scenes in out project.


During filming we all took turns and tried to get the best angles as we possible could, I was acting for the most part of this project but when I wasn't being filmed I got a chance to film. For me it was all about trusting my instinct and my judgement as I worry all the time that I doing it all wrong. I'm better at showing and visualising to what I see in my head that would be great than telling what I wanted to do out loud but I think I did my best considering I make myself and other people very confused of what I was trying to say.

While searching for the male actors, we decided to film scenes where it only involved the female character Margaret (myself - Hannah), for this we first when to a tunnel in Fareham just by Audi supermarket. We had everything set up and rolling - the only problem was the amount of times people went by since it was a public, there was a also a few people who were concerned for the "woman lying on floor with blood" which is myself and I had long legs that took up nearly half the tunnel!!

In the end we got  the shots, a lot of close up, long shot and mid-close shots and then after we packed everything up, we then went to Titchfield. When we got there we went to my house which is we agreed that would be good for the main character's home and it was a good place it we needed to put things down where no one would nick them. It was mostly when Margaret is tormenting Tony and it was good to get these shots out of the way when we had the time to do so.

After we finally got our male actors, we filmed the next scenes in Gosport first, the "waking up" scene, Tony meeting up his friend Andrew, walking away from the "creepy lady" in the Sundial area near the sea front and the conversation between the two males. We also did a shot, a panning shot where Damion is riding his bike, we did this one a few times but I will admit I did this shot and that the best one we did was when it got shaky as Damion got closer and zoomed past. If I had to do that again I would make sure I had a few practises before shooting. Sedtin then filmed me in the distance where Margaret where stalk Tony and Sophie did a panning shot of the creek where I would do a voice over of Margaret being creepy and laugh just as creepy to make main character Tony very scared and spooked out. By the end of the day we finished we the "accident" scene, taking a long shot of Tony riding up to the edge of the road and getting ready to cross his certain doom.

Out of pure genius and luck there was a broken down wall that was ideal for where Tony would crash to and it was across the road so Damion asked owner if we could use it, so we used it and film Tony's bike upside down a few times in different angles (it was hard to angle the bike where both wheels would be able to spin at the same time) and where Tony would fall unconscious close up and then it panned down, and then across the road and mid-long shot where we see the Tony's back. This was nearly 5pm when we finally finished for the day and we felt really proud that we got a lot done in one day.

A few days later we did the rest of the scenes where we need Damion and Liam for their parts as Tony and Andrew in Fareham and Titchfield. During this time we decided to remake the ending where it involved Liam in one more scenes or two so it made up the story a lot more. Again when it came to Fareham tunnel, people walked past whenever we were ready but we got it in the end and not long after we got the Titchfield scenes where Margaret would confront Tony and the park scenes where Tony would be haunted by his flashback and revealing his part of Margaret's death. After that we were done!

While we were filming we and a few copies of the script to mark what we've done and what we haven't done and when it got confused, we used another to make more notes when it became too much.


First we clicked onto Premiere Pro and went onto new project and then when it came to settings it's important to know the right ones so the clips are able to play properly.

When you are clicking onto the settings - click on PAL as it is the UK's format then click on "Widescreen 48kHz" to get the best of watching the clip  and rendering them when it's done.

When it come to a empty project is when we download the videos from all the clips we filmed in order to piece together our Thriller. We didn't see it at the time but we didn't organised the clips into folders so whenever we wanted top use a clip, we had to scroll down and find the one we were looking for and maybe next time in the next group the clips will be better organised to get the best use of the editing.


During editing we realised we were missing a few lines to the script so got the camera again, costumes and because getting to Titchfield would take forever to get for a few short lines and getting back to lessons on time, lucky down the road there were houses which were familiar to the setting that was filmed in front of our house so we did that.

As we edited the film - we took turns and because I wasn't going to Berlin, I wasn't allowed to to do as much editing as I would have a whole week to do that plus when it comes to editing, I would be there forever as I love to edit. Sedtin and Sophie did a lot of putting it all together and it all was really good and exactly what we more or less envisioned for our thriller.

Make a lot of tweets, add the music and make the green screen turn into a hospital room plus other effects that might work also. Also I wanted to make sure that the imagery story would be understandable for those who would watching it. With this in mind I had the script and many ways of tweeting it all in my head.

We also had to look at each clip of all the footage and decided what we could use and what we couldn't, I admit that when in doubt I look into the "Delete" file and see if there was even a second of a clip we could use just to make the minutes meet as we had a six minute limit.


The green screen footage was the hardest to get right or at least very tricky. Because there wasn't enough light there were a lot of shadows that made the green of the screen less affective. When Ryan had no luck with it, Neil had a go at trying to sort it out by After Effect yet no matter what he did. there was a lot of "shimmer" around where the shadows would be. So in the end I tried to do what Neil did as well as making adjustments and when I export it into a video file and put in into the Premiere Pro, I made it black and white to make a scary effect as well as a couple dissolve effects. Towards the end I cut the clip where fake blood would down Damain's arm and put in cross dissolve so that black and white would slowly back to colour just because it might look cool that way as the film comes to an end.


As well as the green screen footage and while the other two was doing a lot of the editing, I research on YouTube for music and sound effects. Because I was doing another task where I had to do research about Spooks, I looked onto YouTube for it's soundtrack for ideas. I also looked up using key words like "creep music" or "spooky music" or any kind of thriller/horror instrumental tracks that would be ideal for our Inception/Memento thriller project.

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