Thursday 24 November 2011

Finding Interviews Example and Discuss

DISCUSS - Both Good and Bad.....

First Interview

Andrew Dice Clay Live Interview with CNN

The first thing you see is that the interviewee is annoyed, the presenter is talking in a monotone like voice asking questions that are personal to the interviewee. The presenters is continuously asking question one right after another and all the while he's asking them, the interviewee Andrew is getting more and more irritated and when it becomes all too much, he starts to swear and it isn't long before he leaves. What the presenter should have done was not to keep going about Andrew's past jobs like it's all big news. Showing footage of his past doesn't make it any better and what's amazing the most is that the presenter doesn't seem all that offended at all or even notice the star and just carried on to embarrass him like he holds a grudge or something. This is not how interview someone who doesn't like to be ask personal questions and not leave it at that.

Overall even though the clip is very short, the presenter has no clue when to stop or how to ask questions carefully to a "touchy" guest and is either very rude or very stupid.

You can watch the clip here:

Second interview

T4 interview with Johnathan Rhys Meyers

The T4 presenter first starts the interview with a fact about the star she begins. It is the star of a very well-known drama The Tutors - just more about how King Henry the VIII ruled Britain, more history lessons without school and maybe more drama to get the audience. The presenter seems to be enthusiastic about the guest she is interviewing, keeping good eye contact as she talks to him.

She seems that she already done the main questions about the film Paris with Love becomes she says "I'm still joined by..." which meant the interview had been spilt up to two or three parts. This part is about to asking more questions like a game show with a cut-out hand as a prop. What is good is that the presenter warned the guest that there might be questions that are intense or inappropriate questions and that he is allowed to not answer them.

Overall a good interview since the presenter has good interview skills, she know when to stop when the guest doesn't want to answer and is able to use humour with her opinions but not offend the guest star.

You can watch the clip here:

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