Friday 11 May 2012

Thriller Poster Analysis

This blog post is all about analysing and deconstruct Thriller posters - three of them and look how they are made into detail and how they communicate with the Thriller Genre.


TYPE OF FONT: I think it the font "Ariel" and it's white as if the colour was black, against the background, I don't think it would stand out as much as white does. The title is straightforward, the letters are in capitals but it stands out to the audience but it isn't perfect white like the story is far from perfect as well as the main character.

COLOURS USED: The colours are are dark brown and white. The brownness of the wall is wood and along the wall are patches of the being scratched, bloated or anything that made the wood of the wall worn throughout the years. This could be how the main character lives, in non-perfect conditions.

POSITION OF IMAGES: the image of the notelet is in centre but instead of putting RIGHT in the middle, the image on the top centre like the notelet is being hung up on a wall somewhere. The notelet is old and crumpled like someone screwed it up and opened it up again and the last letters of E and R could the last letters of the word KILLER and the main character is yet to guess that. The picture itself looks small but it makes look BIG to the story plot.

USE OF LIGHT AND SHADOW: The lighting is dark like the movie is dark, the lighting of a light is somewhere and it is reflected on the wall creating a dark story plot and it goes into the depth's of someone's mind.

POSITION OF THE INFORMATION: The title of the movie and the actor's name is in capital letters, making it stand out however the lettering of "Christian Bale" is very thin making like it's important for it to be there but as important as the movie name which what the people would want to know the most so they know when they go and see it.

HOW IT COMMUNICATES TO THE THRILLER GENRE: The letters "Trevor Renzik is four letter from truth" makes the movie look like the main character is unaware that he's a killer or he knows he's a killer but doesn't want to admit it and so he suppress that to make himself forget. It communicates to the thriller audience as they find out if he's truly a killer or not.


TYPE OF FONT: the font is I think "Times New Roman" and there is big red lettering like it means blood and gore and someone wants to kill somebody. The fact that the name "Misery" is showing the story plot may cause more than making someone miserable - the misery to make someone's life a living hell.

COLOURS USED: black, dark blue colours that are used to creating a dark plot, suggesting the film to be scary and thrilling and the only bright colours are the light of the cabin and the sky of above the mountain showing the horizon showing just a little bit of hope that there is always a chance for the main character to escape.

POSITION OF IMAGES: The lodge is right at the bottom of the poster but in the middle like they are in the middle of nowhere and the mountains on the top of the poster suggests they are far from civilisation making sure that getting help would be a very hard to get in order to escape the lonely hell of the story.

USE OF LIGHT AND SHADOW: There's not much light beside the light in the cabin - it's signals "they are all alone" and whoever is trapped, it will be hard to escape and the darkness all around the cabin is like a huge massive cage to keep the hostage within.

POSITION OF THE INFORMATION: The filmmakers and Stephen King's names are placed at the top while the main actors of the movie are placed above the movie title as it shows who is involved in this movie.

HOW IT COMMUNICATES TO THE THRILLER GENRE: The poster communicates to the Thriller genre as the white writing of the poster makes the movie a "hostage" story plot to the movie. The poster also gives off a "Thriller" feeling but it also gives off a "Horror" feeling from the poster as well so the story plot so it makes the audience speculate on wherever they are prepared to see a really scary movie and this poster to a brilliant way to communicate with the Thriller genre.


TYPE OF FONT: The movie title is different from the others but it is ideal so the audience know the movie's name. The title is also different because of how it was done, to make it not so plain and simple and the lines in each letter is like the poster is trying to say there will be mazes in this movie and that whoever the main characters are, they not only need to have to find a way to get in but a way to get out.

COLOURS USED: The colours used for this are quite dark colours but that's because of the lighting of where the sun would be which is in front of the man. Mostly the colours reflect on how it would like if day was beginning to end and that this poster tells that fact that there could be a time limit to the story plot.

POSITION OF IMAGES: There's a man close up, most likely to be the main character, his back to us like he's prepared to face the huge unknown world armed and ready to take on the challenge at hand.

USE OF LIGHT AND SHADOW: The light of the sun is in front of the man and it casts a lot of shadows as it is the only light like all the main character has to do is to follow it. The is also shadow on the side of the man's face like he himself is a mystery and he has something to hide.

POSITION OF THE INFORMATION: The words "Your Mind is the Scene of the crime" are in the top centre of the poster in the sky as the sky is the limit. That can also be about the mind as well as imagination is limitless and the amount of ways to create the scene of the crime is limitless too and that is a thriller feature to this poster. The movie title is below the man as if to say "this is what the move is called and this man is part of it"

HOW IT COMMUNICATES TO THE THRILLER GENRE: the words on the posters shows that there's a crime scene is not visible to the human eye - a new crime scene like it has never been done before and that what gives a "Thriller" feature to this poster.


Looking at at these posters - I see a lot of ideas from the posters onto my own thriller project one. For an example in the inception poster, I can use the man idea about how the way the his back is turned from the audience.In my poster it'll be a woman instead of the a man but more shadow on the face to make her look sinister as she is a antagonist. The gun in the man's hand is replaced with a cross necklace but dropping with blood.

From the misery I can gather ideas of the shadows as the poster on this shows a lot of it, pure darkness and loneliness and use that to surround, the main character as his mind in the project is covered with shadow as his story plot is based on what is real and what is not.

From the Machinist poster instead of a notepad, for my thriller project - a cross necklace but covered with blood so that there is thriller suspension in the image.

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