Monday 23 January 2012

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Each is used for different types of research t provide information of your chosen subject. Some can be accurate and factual or some could be based on human behaviour AKA actual experiences, feelings and motivation.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is where people’s opinions are accounted for. This involves life experiences, feelings/emotion, behaviours and life styles combined with individual depth interviews or group discussions that can gain a massive insight into people’s lives.However qualitative research can be a downside because everyone has string opinions on certain subjects so the information could be all over the place and that could be messy. It can also question the truthfulness and the accuracy of the entire research of the project.

The example I am going to use for the Qualitative Research is the famous documentary – Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock filmed back in 2004 to find out what would happen if he eat McDonalds, three meals a day every day for a month.

Super Size Me


·         Very colourful
·         Good choice of music in the credits (Queen – Fat-Bottomed Girls)
·         Good stories including the narrator’s own background – his mother used to cook every evening and going out was a special treat
·         Lots of images, clips  and icons to show the meaning of the facts
·         Can be very funny with some of the facts
·         A good way to get put off of fast food
·         How nearly everyone is willing to blame to food companies than themselves for getting fat
·         In 4 minutes, 16 elements of quantitative research (numbers, facts, graphs, data)
·         Voiceover as the facts are told (it’ll be less boring that way) , images and archive videos that are related to the facts, cutaways
·         One fact shows a map (lawsuit) zooms, colour coded, animated to give them audience an idea of what the two girls would look like
·         The golden arch – McDonalds logo, highlighted in yellow, circled in red
·         “sue the bastards” and “Golden Arches” are a term so that the narrator doesn’t have to keep saying “McDonalds” – keeps you informed and interested
·         Morgan tells about his journey – rhetorical questioning
·         All found facts, opinions and recommendations


·         Sometimes the facts are said too quickly so its hard to keep up whatever it is he’s saying
·         That even though fast food is very bad for people – they are still eating it
·         Fast food places are all over the world which makes it harder to keep healthy
·         Fast food at hospitals – not cool because they are a place to heal and cover, not to overdose with fatty food especially if someone had a health condition to do with fatty food
·         Can never predict when Morgan is going to throw up after a meal.

At the end of the experiment it was very obvious that Morgan Spurlock had gotten fat, not only but during the experiment he got mood swings and the only time he was really happy, he was eating the McDonalds food, plus his sex life was not good at all. Because of the documentary, a lot of fast food joints including McDonalds have made a lot of changes, getting rid of “Super Size” option and providing more healthier options. The companies have all said that the documentary had nothing to do with it but we all know that isn’t true because at the end of the day, we all want to save face.

Thus is definitely a good example of research because Morgan Spurlock had help from four people who specialise in health issues and it also features previous interviews and what happened to them near the end of credits. Overall it is a good qualitative and quantitative research.

See the documentary in full here:

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is about asking people for their opinions in a structured way so that you can produce hard facts and statistics to guide you. It is quick to use and provides reliable information to get it accurate. However the downside to this is that it lacks meaning, in other words it’s like talking to a robot plus you have to update the research all the time so it can be stressful.

The research example that I am going to use is an article on the website from the Cream Agency independent media planning & buying agency that specialises in working with premium and luxury brands that shows the amount of newspapers being sold between January and July 2011.

Latest ABCs – Newspapers


·         Very informative
·         Shows that even the best newspaper will fall to disgrace
·         The Sunday Mirror gained almost 400,000 additional copy sales in the first three weeks after News of the World closed to hit 703,631. It represents a staggering 130% lift month on month and a 90% increase on July 2010.
·         Shows graphs of what newspaper is sold on Daily and the special editions on Sundays.
·         Shows the strongest month of newspaper selling


·         Most of the time you have to squint to see the graphs of the amount of newspapers being sold and unclear to identify which of the bar of the chart identifies what
·         Even with the bar charts, they had used a lot of words describing the sells though it is supposed to be a quantitative research
·         The Sunday Times slipped nearly 1% to 993,768, marking the first time News International’s biggest quality Sunday newspaper has fallen below the million-mark since records began in 1962
·         Without the News of the World being the figure-head, the other newspapers are being disregarded, like the no longer matter

What’s good about it is that you get to see what newspaper have done well and what newspaper didn‘t making make a lot of sells to the public. Its lets you see what we all want to read and how many of each category are being sold one month at a time. The UK’s best selling newspaper News of the Word has signed off after 168 years with a front page containing a montage of some of its most famous exclusives and headlines after a scandal that destroy the trust of the interviewees.

Here is a link to the article that I found:

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