Monday 17 October 2011

Scriptwriting - Agent Representation

For my next assignment I have to make four post - all to do with script wiring and what each writer has to deal with while showing it to TV Companies. First up - Agent Representation.

Agent Representation

This is in other words finding an agent to find work for you as a agent representation is the process of an agent wanting to represent the writer’s product. Once a script has been handed to an agent they will take a few days or weeks to assess the script and the writer’s style to make sure that the script is appropriate to their working style and business strategy. Once they have found what they are looking for they may make an offer to the writer. Often a script writer will have contacted several agents, all of whom would take different lengths of time to reply, there is no rule saying a writer has to accept an offer, he can take as long as he wants to, Although an agent may not wait that long to give an offer as they will have many other clients.

Once an offer has been made by one agent it is wise to alert others agents, this offer may spur them to make an improved offer on the script. Screenwriters don’t necessarily need an agent, by their reputation or luck, they may be able to submit a script to a producer or company and receive feedback, whilst some script writers find Agents interfering so prefer to work alone. During this process it is important for script writers to find the right agent, someone they ‘click’ with, this person will hold the future success of the script in their hands so it’s important for a writer to have a good relationship with them.

Agents provide feedback on scripts; they will have a lot of experience in the industry so will know a good script when they see one, they also can offer a lot of advice on how to reshape scripts to make them more susceptible to being purchased like the dialogue or formatting the words.  A successful agent will have lots of contacts in the industry - producers, other agents or screenwriters so will more than likely find someone who will accept the script. As well as submitting scripts, having an agent may find a writer other work - like script doctoring or rewriting duties for other screenplays this will give the writer more experience and better the working relationship between the agent and the writer.

However agent representation does have its disadvantages - an agent will often have many more clients on their script, agents will try to help a client but they will also be motivated by money. They will charge percentages for their work normally around 15-20% although it may vary, it could be months before you hear from the agent, and success isn’t guaranteed so it can be a risky investment. If you focus all your energy into a working partnership with one agent you may lose offers and contacts from other agents and mistakes like these will impact on a writer and could effect their reputation permanently so if you're a writer and your agent is losing interest in your work - go find another one!!


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